Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT Techniques For Addiction

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The patient can learn to recognize the circumstances that trigger drinking or drug use, remove themselves from the situation, and use CBT techniques to alleviate the thoughts and feelings that lead to abuse. Although self-efficacy is related to the availability of coping skills andwould be expected to increase as the client learns new skills, this does notalways occur spontaneously. It is often necessary to help the client changethe passivity and sense of helplessness that often accompany lowself-efficacy. Bandura noted that there are a number of ways to increaseself-efficacy (Bandura, 1977).However, the model that appears to have the greatest impact and lastinginfluence uses the idea of performance accomplishments to enhance clientself-efficacy. Annis and Davis use graduated homeworkassignments to help in this process (Annis and Davis, 1988b).

cbt interventions for substance abuse

Functional Analysis

A benefit of CBT is that you can start making changes right away and use these skills for the rest of your life. You can work with your therapist on the techniques that work for you and your unique situation. Instead of looking backward, which is a very important thing to do in other kinds of therapy, it works well for people to gain insight cbt interventions for substance abuse as to why these things occurred,” explains Dr. Robin Hornstein, a Philadelphia-based psychologist who works with a variety of populations using CBT as well as many other therapies. In June 2020, 13 percent of people in the United States either started using substances or increased their use as a way to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Primary Study Characteristic Variables

Intertemporal decision-making-related brain states predict adolescent drug abuse intervention responses –

Intertemporal decision-making-related brain states predict adolescent drug abuse intervention responses.

Posted: Tue, 06 Aug 2019 04:39:37 GMT [source]

CBT for AOD has a rich theoretical foundation, including general cognitive and behavioral theories, specific models of CBT for AOD (eg, Marlatt and Gordon’s Relapse Prevention Model), and numerous manuals to facilitate training and delivery with fidelity. In other words, the approach is well-articulated, but despite this, knowledge on MOBC (ie, how it works) and specific matching factors (ie, for whom it works) is limited. The limitations are not in study quality per se, but certainly in study quantity (ie, too few mediation studies to build a cohesive narrative of CBT MOBC) and heterogeneity (ie, varied assessment of potential mediators). This state-of-the-science stands in contrast to a large evidence-base for efficacy across a range of possible implementation conditions (ie, stand-alone, combined with other interventions, delivered in a digital format).

The Role of Exercise in SUD Treatment

Nevertheless, review of taped TAU sessions by independent raters blind to treatment assignment indicated CBT techniques and strategies were among the most infrequently used in practice. Specifically, any clinician mention of cognitions or thoughts about substance use was identified in 14 of the 379 sessions rated and mention of skills training was detected only 13 times (Santa Ana et al., 2008). That these basic CBT components were detectable in less than 6% of all sessions rated suggests very limited success in disseminating CBT to the clinical community, at least in the settings included in those studies. CBT for substance use disorders captures a broad range of behavioral treatments including those targeting operant learning processes, motivational barriers to improvement, and traditional variety of other cognitive-behavioral interventions. Overall, these interventions have demonstrated efficacy in controlled trials and may be combined with each other or with pharmacotherapy to provide more robust outcomes. Despite this heterogeneity, core elements emerge based in a conceptual model of SUDs as disorders characterized by learning processes and driven by the strongly reinforcing effects of substances of abuse.

How Much Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cost?

  • CRA’s application tosubstances other than alcohol also appears to have been successful (Higgins et al., 1998).
  • The studies reviewed above highlight both the promise of technology-based interventions as well as their significant limitations, which include highly variable rates of retention and adherence and poor rates of follow-up, particularly for studies collected entirely on-line (Kiluk et al., 2010).
  • For substance misusing clients, any form of psychological treatment leads to better treatment outcomes compared with no psychological treatment, but there is no general consensus that one form of psychological treatment is better than another.
  • Again, it was not possible to disentangle the effects of MET/CM versus the contingency component in understanding what drove reductions in cannabis use.

In contrast to many other therapies, cognitive-behavioral therapy for thetreatment of substance abuse disorders has substantial research evidence insupport of its effectiveness. Questionnaires, interviews, and role-playing measures are available to assistthe therapist in the assessment and functional analysis. The therapistshould try to evaluate the number and type of high-risk situations, thetemptation to use in these situations, confidence that one will not use inhigh-risk situations, substance abuse-related self-efficacy, frequency andeffectiveness of coping, and substance-specific effect expectancies. Moredetailed information on the assessment process in cognitive-behavioralapproaches to substance abuse and its treatment is available in a number ofsources (Donovan, 1998; Donovan and Marlatt, 1988; Monti et al., 1994; Sobell et al., 1988; and Sobell et al., 1994). For a reviewof assessment tools that can be used in developing a functional analysis seeTIP 35, Enhancing Motivation for Change in Substance Abuse Treatment(CSAT, 1999c). While Ellis and Beck have similar views about the prominent role that cognitionsplay in the development and maintenance of substance abuse disorders, theirtheories differ in considering how the therapist should treat irrational ormaladaptive cognitions.

cbt interventions for substance abuse

Symptoms of substance dependence reflect more internal consequences of use such as physical withdrawal upon discontinuation of a substance and difficulty with cutting down or controlling use of a substance. Our writers and reviewers are experienced professionals in medicine, addiction treatment, and healthcare. AddictionResource fact-checks all the information before publishing and uses only credible and trusted sources when citing any medical data. The Verified badge on our articles is a trusted sign of the most comprehensive scientifically-based medical content.If you have any concern that our content is inaccurate or it should be updated, please let our team know at [email protected]. We may be paid a fee for marketing or advertising by organizations that can assist with treating people with substance use disorders.

Everything You Need to Know About Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Addiction

  • While CRAinvolves family or significant others in treatment, CRAFT is more of a formof family therapy (rather than individual therapy) and therefore isdiscussed in Chapter 8 of this TIP.
  • We will then focus on Stage 3 and 4 issues, reviewing the status of dissemination of CBT in clinical practice, highlighting challenges to dissemination and the promise of technology-based approaches to address the ‘implementation cliff’ (Weisz, Ng, & Bearman, 2014).
  • Instead of looking backward, which is a very important thing to do in other kinds of therapy, it works well for people to gain insight as to why these things occurred,” explains Dr. Robin Hornstein, a Philadelphia-based psychologist who works with a variety of populations using CBT as well as many other therapies.
  • Overall, behavioral, cognitive, and cognitive-behavioral interventions areeffective, can be used with a wide range of substance abusers, and can beconducted within the timeframe of brief therapies.
  • Several studies have developed web-based interventions for individuals with stimulant use disorders (amphetamines or cocaine).
  • Second, CBT therapy does not take a patient-centered approach where the therapist passively listens, allowing the patient to resolve the issues independently.